Question: Why doesn’t the USA generally fear torture and it’s effectiveness against America abroad?
Answer: Because we know our enemies will do it and we have trained our soldiers to deal with it. We also keep information distribution down to a need-to-know basis.
Enhanced Interrogation by the CIA might have yielded some results during our struggle with Terror. If so, I submit techniques employed brought truths to fruition only because our enemies did not believe we’d do it. They were ill prepared. Now they will adapt and be prepared.
How long before we move on to cutting off toes or scorching genitals because our enemies have learned to tolerate this less than torturous thing called water boarding? If it isn't "torture" how hard can it be to adapt to?
When did the best we can do become brutality leading to fear of the innocuous water board? Our enemies are willing to cut your head off slowly in front of someone else to make them talk. How can waterboarding compare to that? It's like taking a thumb tack to a gun fight. It's like answering a nuclear bomb with severe name calling.
If torture is our best bet for gathering intel, we clearly have a problem. I'd rather rest assured I live in the smartest country on Earth with the greatest and most creative surveillance and information gathering techniques.
I hope we can do better!
If torture was effective, we’ve spent our last chance for it to be so. I hope the information gleaned from it was worth the effort.