Monday, December 12, 2011

Alec Baldwin Melt Down Telling

Rudy Giuliani was a guest on Piers Morgan's CNN show tonight. Alec Baldwin became a topic of conversation as the guy who was wrongfully removed from an American Airlines flight for reading his Kindle.

I assume Morgan struck this line of questioning with Giuliani for reasons of proximity to Baldwin's career and a posture of higher thinking on results attainable by hijackers of planes.

It breaks down like this: Baldwin, Giuliani and Morgan believe they are not harming anyone by using electronic devices on planes especially when they make specific selections on their electronic devices that disable Internet communication. I know none of them are airline pilots or affiliated in any way with the FAA, yet they have one large soapbox upon which to stand for poo-pooing FFA regs.

Never mind that we've all heard that 'motorboating' sound when a cell phone is too close to our speakers or microphones. These high falutin' celebrities are sure American Airlines is engaged in simple tyranny by not wanting ANYONE, not just Baldwin, activating electronic devices during certain segments of travel.

I think they know best, actually ... the FAA and American Airlines that is. I mean if Travolta was raising a stink about this I might be remotely interested in their argument that pilots of planes have no reason to fear technology in the fuselage. But I guarantee Giuliani was asked to turn off his Kindle, his Smart Phone and his pace maker for the interview inspiring my very words.

So my p0int is this: Do Americans really believe that airliners are simply interested in tyranny? Do we believe they just don't know which devices may or may not cause trouble so they say we can't have any of them on their flights? I suggest to you they know exactly what sort of trouble electronic devices can cause. They have their reasons for not wanting devices engaged during the flight. Maybe one of those reasons is that policing the 'disable' function on various technologies is far from reasonable for Airlines. They have far too many responsibilities for that (like serving Baldwin his favorite beverage all the while kissing his pompous ass), so a ban is the simplest solution. Yet Baldwin believes himself above all that. " Don't you know who I am? I'm Alec Fucking Baldwin!"

I ask of a laughing Giuliani who should be most aware: Do you now see a reason people shouldn't bring box cutters on board? I mean I have mine to clean my nails, but what about you Mr. Mayor? Why do you have yours and how do I know the safety catch isn't unhitched?

Furthermore Mr. Mayor, given you know planes can be hijacked with simple box cutters and no one had before considered them a threat, might you not suffer from a closed mind if you don't see that some folks on planes might say they've disengaged their laptops, but really haven't? Even I, a West Coaster who wasn't there that day can see that terrorists will use means we've not considered to achieve their ends. Does some dude with a laptop and seemingly kind intentions have to use his laptop to commandeer an airliner before you finally get it into your skull that the experts ought to be left alone to stay one step ahead of people who want to take control of flying buses full of Americans and crash land them into other Americans?

If there is one thing Giuliani should have learned from 9/11, it's the simplicity with which terrorist strikes can be initiated. Mr. Mayor, please, put some trust in the experts on this and stop calling for relaxed measures so your hero Baldwin can get his Twitter account back!

I am God - Alec Baldwin