Monday, May 25, 2009

Open Forum

All my HJ friends and enemies.

Let's talk about the HJ's interest in who they think post under multiple monikers.

Who cares?


Se7en said...

I just had to laugh. These are the top educators of our children that aren't tech savy enoung to know that HJ would detect multiple users/1 I.P.

I feel that their point must have been on shakey ground to start with if they felt that they needed to bolster themselves...with...themselve. I god, now I've gone crosseyed.

Se7en said...

I have to agree that HJ handled the whole thing in a very child like manner. It seemed very personal comming from an unbiased newspaper.

Anonymous said...

The HJ cant have it both ways, they want people posting but whenever there is a problem they bring up IP addresses. This is the 3rd time I think? The first was with the guy that was posting obscene things on all of the womens sports stories, they called him out, threatened publicly to out his ip address, he then went away. Then the HJ gave ip addresses to the cops from someone who threatened someone else, now they do it again - Hey HJ - shit or get of the f-ing pot already.

Anonymous said...

So the HJ's options are:

1) leave it be and risk defamation/libel lawsuits

2) pay someone to police each post prior to publication

3) shut it down and become increasingly irrelevant

Iverson said...


Those are not the only choices. In fact you've left off the most reasonable. The multiple names seemingly to offer clout to ones argument is the problem here. Not Libel. If something appears on their site as libelous they can delete the post and channel the IP info appropriately to proper authorities.

NOTHING justifies this piece about 'sneaky people'. They didn't even finger the supposed violator and the piece itself appears anonymously by an HJ staffy. It's a stupid way to go about things. I've been directly accused by an HJ editor of doing the same thing when I hadn't. My wife posted something with which I agreed without even knowing it was her. Why do they care even if I HAD padded support for an argument of mine? They don't know who posts what. Multiple items can come from a single computer lab with the same IP address. About 6 people have posted from my ip address.

This was an amateur stance to take AGAINST those of us who indirectly pay their bills. No readers no HJ.

Steve said...

Hell, Bluto...

They should've asked me. I mean, we definitely have some certain subjects, but one thing is plain to me - Bluto is ALWAYS Bluto, and ONLY Bluto!


Iverson said...

It's true Dawg. I appreciate the vote of confidence. I think we've gotten that point across. Now for the HJ to stop engaging in this sort of petty accusation even if they're right about it this time.


Iverson said...

It's something I posted about earlier today: We usually know who is playing a 'charade'. It's as if without access to ip addies we couldn't recognize this sort of thing. Well, if someone pulls it off from time to time without detection, who cares?

I wonder who the HJ was trying to serve by letting this piece in. What positive end does it even potentially serve?

Karl Hungus said...

Even an argument with yourself serves some purpose. Where is the harm in entering into a free exchange of ideas - even if you are playing devil's advocate with yourself?

After all, this is not work. This is play. And if you can't get someone to play with you, play with yourself.

Who knows? Someone might see you alone on that teeter-totter and jump on.

Heather Brooke said...

Open forum hell!
Closed forum is more like it.

Iverson said...


I need to get off my arse and put new posts up. This string was simply overflow for a story that dropped out off the HJ site all too soon.