Friday, July 4, 2008

Aura Schmaura, Indigo Schmindigo!

Here’s a bit of piece that ran last week in the Herald Journal:

“Kids these days are fundamentally different than ever before, and parents, families and schools need to change to accommodate those differences, according to an education professor from Brigham Young University.Rebecca Rocque, a BYU Ph.D student and teacher, taught a seminar on indigo children to about 15 people Saturday in a conference room at the University Inn, on the campus of Utah State University. The event was not associated with USU.According to Rocque, indigo children are those who have indigo-colored auras. An aura is believed to be a field of colored light that radiates from each person, but can only be seen by a few certain people...

...Her goal is to help educate people so they can better associate with these new and different children... 'Parents and teachers want to understand their children better,' she said...

...Rocque said about 96 percent of the children born since 1994 are indigo children. The idea of indigo children was first put forth by a woman named Nancy Ann Tappe, who claims the ability to see these auras in her book, 'Understanding Your Life Through Color.' Though there are different types of indigo children, Rocque said, most possess a high level of creativity and can have trouble fitting into systems that don’t require creativity, she said. She also said they are born with a 'feeling of royalty,' meaning they expect to be treated with dignity and understand they are children of God, and they don’t respond well to discipline based on guilt or appeals to authority.”

96% of them are the same? Well GREAT! That narrows it down! "Kids these days are all the same." We get it! “Feeling of royalty?” “High level of creativity?” "...they don’t respond well to discipline based on guilt or appeals to authority?" Doesn’t that simply describe the nature of being a child?

I think people who need colors to describe an interpersonal experience are people who have a hard time open-mindedly experiencing or using words to describe individuality. Doesn't “the fact” that your kids have a 96% probability of effervescing the same color "aura" lead you to believe the “gift” of seeing auras is relatively useless? Count on it, these people think your kids are "Indigo" kids and have some solution for approaching this apparent problem. Prepare for the sales pitch leading to government funding.


Tobold Hornblower said...

Sounds like an entire generation of kids growing up fat and lazy who believe their shyte doesn't stink.

I can't stand this kind of quackery. Do you notice it generally appeals to women? How many straight guys do you know who buy in to astrological signs, fortune tellers and tarot cards?

There is no mystical energy field controlling your destiny. It is YOU.

If you fail, it was YOU. If you succeed, it was YOU. If you pass gas at the dinner table, it was YOU - not because you were born in the Chinese year of the Pig.

Iverson said...

Ya TH,

It's groups like this who find ways to get public funding all in the name of greater good and forward thinking. We no longer can be regarded as individuals as we simply wear an Aura on our sleeves which helps us be conveniently categorized out of any need for ambition! Adding to this convenience is that only "certain gifted people" can see these auras and you have to take their word for it!

Fasciasts! Socialists! Communists!!

Tobold Hornblower said...

Name callers!

Anonymous said...

I used to teach 6th graders in another state and had to deal with ADHD kids. One child used to claim "I have ADHD" any time he would do something crazy.

All these labels do is give the kids federal protection which enables them to act as they wish.


Anonymous said...

An individual claiming that he/she has ADHD is equivalent to an individual claiming that YOU have ADHD.

Friction Man said...

I disagree. Human nature basically never changes. History proves that point. Today's children will want the same happiness in their lives that we want. They will want the same for their children and grandchildren.

I guess these psycho-bablists need something to write about to justify their occupations.

Iverson said...

Fric Mon...

Thanks for poppin' in! I'm assuming when you say that you disagree it's with these soothsayer, clairvoyants who claim to recognize you by the color of Aura you effervesce and claim they see something new in children these days. If so, I agree!

Friction Man said...


Hear, hear.

Poor communication on my part. I disagree with the article but once again we're on the same page concerning this subject.

Our education system has become a testing ground for these pseudo-psycho bablists. For the love of God, if you listen to these folks nearly half our kids have some kind of problem. Many are excused from mandatory PE for everything from headaches to hangnails. Hyperactive kids are routinely misdiagnosed with ADD and the answer is to turn them into zombies with drugs. Autism, dyslexia, etc. You name it and half of our kids in school today are misdiagnosed with some problem that is keeping them from learning.

Our education system needs to get back to educating our children instead of using these ridiculous excuses why they're not learning. Most kids are just kids. Period! If I were a kid today, I would be diagnosed with severe ADD and drugged. This was part of growing up and being a kid with an imagination where nothing could not be thought up to do other than pay attention to my boring teachers. Once I chilled out around 20 years of age, I did just fine. My college grades were excellent. 30 years later I'd be just fine if I could figure out what I want to do when I grow up.

Iverson said...


I'm with you on all points!

Friction Man said...

I have a 10 year old nephew who was diagnosed by the public school social workers as having ADD. The school insisted he be put on Ritalin. I told my nephews parents to hire a lawyer and threaten to sue the school district. So they backed off.

I then spent 2-3 hours each day with my nephew helping him with his homework. His grades improved from Ds & Cs to all Bs & As. He was simply a boy. I could understand him because I've been there, done that. He didn't need drugs. He needed a mentor. Sadly, his parents are so busy working, they don't take the time he needs to ensure he is completing his homework correctly.

I remember being the same age. When I had female teachers, I did poorly. When I was in the 5th grade I had a male teacher. He understood boys and I did great in school. I told my nephews parents they should go to the public school and if male teachers are available for his grade, they should insist he be taught by the male teacher. They took my advice. My nephew has thrived under the tutorship of male teachers. Why? It's simple. Most of them understand boys.

Tobold Hornblower said...

Hear, hear friction.

It is all part of a greater bitch-ification of the American male. Be loud. Scratch yourself. Go golfing during church. Let that nostril hair grow. Drink light beer for breakfast in front of your kids.

They won't admit it, but women find that kind of machismo attractive.

Guys who get their hair cut twice a month and shave their chest hair listen to Erasure and secretly lick the urinal during the graveyard shift at the grocery store.

Be a man. Eat raw eggs. Drink black coffee.

Draw snot out of your nose and spit it on the curb in front of the Opera house on Friday night.

Or don't - and surrender to the bitch-ification.