I'm actually ok with gay marriage ... even polygamy among consenting adults. The commitment is worth promoting. I think divorce, on the other hand, needs to be much more difficult to come by!
I have some questions about gay and "choice". Supposedly “they've" isolated some gene that causes this condition. This is usually the basis for the argument that gay is NOT a choice. If they isolate an obesity gene and discover a method for preventing obesity, do you think parents would choose to make the necessary adjustments to prevent obesity? How about homosexuality? Given the choice of preventing this "condition" (disorder?), would you? If not then methinks your "it's-not-a-choice" argument has no place.
One more thing. How can you be PROUD of something with which you're born? "I'm white and I'm proud! WHITE PRIDE! STRAIGHT PRIDE!" Doesn't sound right does it? Not in today’s PC world. Can you imagine a major chunk of the American population getting away away with a T-Shirt that reads, "Proud to be Male, White, and Straight"? Talk about two-way streets! Drop the rainbows, parades and secret hi-signs and live your dam life! You can be proud of your accomplishments, achievements and that of you children, but PROUD of your race, sexual orientation or abundance of toes (or lack there of)?
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Gay marriage? Fine.
But if you allow that using discrimination as the justification, you MUST allow legal unions involving multiple partners, family members, children and even marriages between Democrats and Republicans.
TH...Hear Hear!!
Well, mixing political alignment...hmmm...I might have to draw a line somewhere.
Gay marraige would appear to make sense. The few life partners out there need marraige because of legal concerns.
But after much debate on the subject lately, I noticed that the ultimate aim is to be parents of children. This is where the line needs to be drawn. The thought of two gay people raising a child seems like an abomination to me.
I agree Sheesh...
That is where I draw some lines myself and that is really what it boils down to me, too.
OK, you "my way is the only way" zealots.
When you talk "gay" you are really talking man-on-man gay. As in "proboscis in my sphincter" ickyness.
It's one thing for two hairy, stinky, disgusting men to adopt an infant and raise it as their own.
Women don't have to be turned on to procreate. Men do.
Nothing could be easier than for two lesbian women to seduce an unsuspecting 20-year-old college student into a ovulation cycle love tryst.
Whatcha gonna do now, McCarthy? You gonna take away that baby?
You gonna take away the kids of a woman who learns to love the delicate, wafting beauty of lesbianism? Divorcing her beer-gut abusive husband after two kids, two boob jobs and two masectomy scars?
Your distaste for butt hair has you talking idealistic fascism.
Millions of kids are left with ONE parent because the sex isn't fun anymore. If a couple of 40-year-old poofters have been licking each other's toes exclusively for 20 years, don't they deserve at least a chance to similarly screw up a kid? At least they are TWO.
The right to ruin a family is not the exclusive right of alcoholic heteros in double-wide trailers.
Organic asparagus-eating fruitbats deserve the same.
All true Hornsucker, and no we can't stop gay parenting.
But I will vote my conscience and not back the gay marriage movement because I'm opposed to this.
All I can do is make my vote and blog opinions and hope that maybe they will count.
What do doublewide trailer owner's being painted as bad parents have anything to do with this?
TH (nice one sheesh! The name is just too easy to mock on this topic, I'll refrain from calling him Hornswallower or some such for now :))
"Women don't have to be turned on to procreate." That may be mostly true today, but I doubt Neanderthal Man gave it much thought.
I’m witchoo, on the double standards. Even women tend to accept gay women before they’re comfortable with gay men. How’d you put it? "…proboscis in my sphincter…"
Wow! That's dam graphic!
You make a good point on procreation. It seems lesbians have an advantage over gay men in that they can get pregnant. I bet it's tough for a father using a surrogate mother to ...ahem... nail down a reliable volunteer.
As for taking away kids, I wonder what happens in cases of divorce when a gay couple shares some legal bond to a child. I guess it's easy to favor the birth parent of the child in a custody case (especially the mother I bet) but what of an adopted child?
I like that this comes back to divorce. I like your take on it. Actually, I propose marriage as recognized by the law be regarded as a revocable privilege. How about 2 divorces and no more privilege? Whatever it is the state recognizes in a legally wedded couple, you are no longer qualified to be recognized in such a contract. Obviously you’d be able to wed. Gays do it all the time in every state. Have all the ceremonies you want, the government no longer takes you seriously when you ask them to recognize some legal bond between you and a partner. And in cases of proven abuse, the abuser loses the privilege and the abused would obviously maintain an unblemished marital record.
You know, I’m not sure chronic divorcees (We all know at least someone who's been divorced 3 or 4 times!) should cast too many stones in the direction of legally recognized gay marriage.
Sheesh (best ID ever, btw. After all, sheesh is hashish's last name)
On doublewides and parenting - nothing, really. Just wanted to see if anyone was out there to be irked by a rural Kentucky stereotype.
Blutarsky - marriage was originally a religious union only. It has since been hijacked by governments as a way to help ensure order in the sexual sphere.
Sexual anarchy is not good for society. Neither is marriage anarchy (or multiple divorce).
I also think it should be MUCH more difficult to opt out of a marriage. You should have to give your kids up to the state, lose your real estate holdings and spend the following three years working for the Peace Corps in Darfur.
How irreconcilable are those differences now, Hoss?
I'm witchoo TH!
Sexual anarchy is what we are facing in this country Horn Smoker!
Once the male and female union is gone, the gates will fly wide open!
and I really don't care about all that shit, I could care less about sheep marrying and the like.
I just care about the KIDS! Kids raised with two daddys or Mommies, or one daddy and a goat or vice-versa, will grow up to be mentally comprimised somehow!
I have taught kids of gay parents and they were pariahs in their schools and neighborhoods.
I hate to see the sexual perversions of adults, go on to adversly affect their offspring.
There is another element of homosexuality presenting complications in everday society. Our society (probably most societies) segregates genders. I'm not ready for my teen daughter (which she isn't yet) to shower with teen boys whether they claim to be gay or not during PE in JR High. I'm not ready for a gay coach to be present when my nude boy changes clothes anywhere!
The issue is complicated in the military as well. We don't allow genders to bunk together for what I find to be obvious reasons. So is it ok for homosexual men to bunk together? How about homosexual men and straight women? How about homosexual men and straight men.
I don't know, maybe I'm just not forward thinking enough to accept a complete dropping of gender segregation.
Gay, straight, adult, kid -- whatever.
Fact is, women's bathrooms often have leather recliners.
When's the last time you saw a men's toity with so much as available asswipe? This is blatant discrimination.
Women who stumble into a men's room on accident get warm smiles and knowing nods.
Men who stumble into a women's room are arrested and hung by their thumbs.
Women who wear men's boxers are considered sexy. Men who wear women's panties are considered perverts.
When two women lay down naked in an inverted position, it is considered beautiful and natural.
When two men lay down naked and inverted, someone's going to put an eye out.
Fact is, people are a problem. Two people doubly so.
Have to agree with Tobold Hornblower, as a young man I had a gay assistant scout master. We, the boys were the only ones who knew. You never stayed in his car alone when getting a ride home. You never drank anything he offered you. He did pull me down, lay me face first on the ground and then lay on my back and ask if I would let him do this to me with my pants down. HE GOT A NO! He had no place with young men, he was attracted to them. I have always and always will wonder if he took advantage of anyone and why non of us ever said anything. Sorry but I wish to remain anonymous on this one.
TH is right. There is a major double standard here.
It's interesting. I get a lot of crap from gay advocates when I mention things like Scout Mastering and gays. The argument I get is that gays are not necessarily pervs. Well neither are heteros but you just never know who is and isn't. That's why we have to err on the side of caution. We don't need male coaches in the female locker rooms and we don't need gay scout masters alone with the boy scouts. Predators know exactly where to look! It doesn't matter that EVERYONE is not a predator.
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