Saturday, August 9, 2008

Pizza and Cereal

Pizza and cereal are the same and everyone knows it! Ok, you’re sitting there thinking, “He’s ugly AND stupid!”

But it’s true. Take cereal. EVERYONE likes CAP ‘N CRUNCH but when you visit your friends do they have it on hand? NO! They have Rice Krispies and Cheerios. You know why? Because they ate all the CAP’ N CRUNCH!

Take Pizza. If you are having a pizza party with 30 people you can assume it will take like 7 large pizzas to satisfy that crowd. Do you know what pizza is left at the end of the party? The veggie and sausage with anchovies! You know why? Because your guests couldn’t get enough pepperoni! That’s why!

Why do we need 7 DIFFERENT pizzas for this party? Why is it a contest looking to crown the most creative pizza orderer up front, but in the end it comes down to he who can eat the most pepperoni fastest?

Yup, pizza and cereal are the same and you knew it all along. That doesn’t make me less ugly or stupid, it just makes me right! Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it!


cu lata said...

Is this a metaphor for something?

If so, I haven't caught on yet (I can be slow).

If not, then I've just gotta say that my mom would never buy sugary cereals while I grew up, and now I'm addicted to PB Cap'n Crunch. And I hide it when guests come over...they can have Cheerios.

Iverson said...

Ya Cu Lata,

It stemmed from a conversation I was having with my wife last night! I think you got it with that last sentence!

I'm the guy who likes meats and jalapenos on my pizza. I usually have to forgo the jalapenos when I'm sharing. So I notice when there are 7 pizzas and the "good stuff" (pepperoni) disappears while those who ordered the cheerios (so to speak) save their craziness for last.

Tobold Hornblower said...

If you put peppers, salty fish and artichokes on a pizza, it belongs to you, Jack. More for me.

Those other 28 are at a party. If they're too pampered to eat what is provided, screw 'em.

If they are so soft that the free pizza on the table is icky-poo, they can pound sand.

There are two types of people in this world - those who have to EAT and those who have to TASTE. And it is NOT a measure of sophistication to be in the latter category.

Anonymous said...

I don't know..

I loved Cap'n Crunch when I was a kid, but Wheat Chex does it for me now.

But I'm the jerk who orders anchovies and cheese on his pizza, too.

Friction Man said...


I believe your Cap'n Crunch was spiked with some good weed! Grass Pizza?

Iverson said...

I dare not reply lest I tip my hand Fric buddy!
