"This is indeed One Nation Under God."
Says WHO? Based on WHAT? Our nationwide total agreement on who or what God is? Give me a break on that one please!
It is a farce that "Under God" was added to the pledge of allegiance in the 50's. That phrase is one our Founding Fathers might have avoided. It's ironic that "Under God" separates the words "One Nation" and "Indivisible" in our pledge. There is probably NOTHING our nation is more divided on than "God".
It's funny. It's as if a certain general sect of Christians (not even all Christians but only certain generalities thereof) pay lip service to this very important concept of religious freedom that was so important to our roots but don't really believe it. Rather they pity those who believe otherwise. The Mormons pity the Catholics who pity the Jews who pity the Muslims who pity the Buddhists and they all pity the Atheists. Actually you can rearrange all the capitalized words in my last sentence save the first and the point still rings true even if you add about twenty more!
It's un-American to pay lip service to religious freedom, then to claim we are "One Nation Under God" or to be appalled at the notion of a Muslim, Mormon, Southern Baptist, Jew or Atheist taking office. You’d think by now it wouldn’t matter.
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phew...it's nice to have you back. I'm glad your talking reason again!
As with all Theological pursuits, the addition of "Under God" to the Pledge was motivated by fear.
McCarthy-ism had gripped the nation in a Korean Conflict world, and we branded the USSR as a "Godless Communist Oppressor." It wasn't just a communist, mind you. It was a God-less one.
In order to appropriately separate these two superpowers in the minds of Americans, we added "Under God" to the pledge.
Unlike the evil USSR, the USA was guided by a divine hand. This is God's country, dont'cha know?
Now that the USSR is a paper tiger, can't we go back to being -- "One Nation, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All?"
I fail to see what is wrong with it though?
Blutarsky put it quite succinctly when he said -
"It's ironic that "Under God" separates the words "One Nation" and "Indivisible" in our pledge. There is probably NOTHING our nation is more divided on than "God"
It is wrong because we are not a nation "Under God" but a nation founded on a document that declares there to be a critical need for separation of Government Affairs and Spiritual Affairs.
You are just accustomed to the alteration because you likely grew up with it.
Read it once with "Under God" and once without, and tell me which version attends to the basic forming principles of our Democracy (not to be confused with any regional American Theocracy).
I'm witchoo Melll...
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