Friday, July 26, 2013

Equal Justice

America hates Males.  There are by far more males than females in prison for killing people in the USA.  About 77% of the US prison population sentenced to prison for killing a human is male. It has nothing to do with facts or trials. It's hate. It MUST be.  How else can we justify such an imbalance?  We hate males so we put them in jail when they kill people, and we forgive females. We don't need trials if all they are is a method to express hate.

I thank Al Sharpton for this revelation. I was enlightened by the good Mr. Sharpton when he pointed out the imbalance as it is tracked per race.  Clearly the only reason more blacks than whites per capita are in jail for shooting people is pure and simple racism. It has nothing to do with facts or trials. It's hate. It MUST be. How else can we justify the imbalance?

So mister Sharpton … ?  Will you march with me?  We must end this sexism!

And Justice for All 


Colonel Jessop said...

Hear hear! All sarcasm aside, since 1976, the USA has executed 1,088 males and 11 females. That's 99+ percent to 1 percent.

Why? Simple. We believe women can be rehabilitated, and could never truly be monsters.

Iverson said...

Someone knows my favorite movie! You don't think the reason more men are in prison for murder than are women is because men are FAR more likely to commit such a crime?

CJ said...

Far more likely, sure. But not 99% more likely. Closer to say ... 77?

Iverson said...

Actually, yes as I said earlier ... 77% of our prison population in prison for killing other humans are male.

Whether or not that reflects the percentage of likelihood for males to kill someone v. females is tough to say.

But I really don't think it's hate or sexism.

Bottom line, I think a certain percentage of pundits might take some time to try to understand why more blacks are shooting people than are whites.

Anonymous said...

Yo Iverson... You crack me up!!!!

how the hell are you!??


Iverson said...

Doing well. Lot's to catch up on. Call me if you still have the number!

Anonymous said...

I don't have the number! I've changed my email as well... ha! So I don't have your email anymore. Wow...has it been over a year? Crazy.