Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The Beautiful People

You know who bigots REALLY hate?  Ugly people.

Does anyone care how many fat chix don't work at Hooters? Does anyone care how tall and beautiful CEO's tend to be?

I just hope someone's sail catches my drift.

The Beautiful People - Marilyn Manson


Sparkle Motion said...

Yep. Bigots are like 1920s porn. Black and White and furry and don't even know it.

We are all bigots in one form or another. Some we justify and share at Hooters. Most we keep to ourselves.

Anonymous said...

Marilyn Manson, really?

I think as a society we discriminate more against fat people than ugly people.

Iverson said...

Fat is just one of the superficial uglies we identify but I agree. Butter-face has a better chance of getting the job than does Bertha.